Charles Schwab, a successful steel businessman in the 1920s, struggled with productivity issues within his team. In search of a solution, he enlisted the help of Ivy Lee, a productivity consultant. Lee provided him with a simple yet effective productivity tip but asked for payment after Charles tried it based on its value: each day, […]
In the realm of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), keeping pace with the changing dynamics of customer attraction, engagement, and retention is crucial. As traditional sales-led approaches are being eclipsed, a more user-centric model known as Product-Led Growth (PLG) has come to the forefront. In a recent episode of Lenny's Podcast, Elena Verna, a seasoned SaaS growth expert, […]
I just experienced Coda's upgrade call to action today and really love it. Upgrades and expansion revenue are very top of mind as I'm working on Marq's self-serve motion and I have not found many swipe examples online. I got this call to action and modal to try their team plan 14 days after I […]

I really love Dan Kennedy's Renegade Millionaire Time Management System course. I've never been a very structured person when it comes to planning the details of my time. I choose OKRs to focus on every year and quarter, and I lay out the projects that get me there. I also write down the most important […]
Product and Growth Growth teams and product go hand in hand. Good growth teams can do 3 things: Optimize a metric. Help get products to product-market fit. Help validate learning. Can help launch new products, scale M&A, and of course scale existing products. Scale existing products (they do this best) Pick a Northstar metric and […]

Many people misunderstand the difference between web2 and web3. I believe a big contributor to this is that the term “web3” implies a linear upgrade that replaces “web2” but this is not an accurate portrayal. It’s not like the evolution from Python 2 to Python 3 or Windows 7 to Windows 10. For example, we’re […]

Q: Who gets more equity? The person who brings the idea or the one who develops it? F. Scott Fitzgerald said that "Genius is the ability to put into effect what is in your mind. There is no other definition of it." There is so much more to developing an idea into a product than […]

I've been thinking a lot about what makes something "disruptive." Sorry, I know, that word has been played to death. I wish I could think of another word that doesn't make me sound like a soulless tech bro douchebag but it's descriptive and the copywriter in me mandates "clarity above all else." The thing about […]

I consume a lot of information and save the best pieces to my notes in Roam. When I see something I might want to include in my upcoming newsletter I'll give it the tag #[[Newsletter mm/dd/yyyy]] where the date is whatever this coming Monday is. This way when it's time to write my newsletter I […]

Alex Garcia grew his Twitter following dramatically using threads. He pumped out original, long-form content on Twitter every day for a month. How he does it: The first tweet of every thread contains a promise of value and evidence of expertise. He shares information, stories and how-tos that people haven't heard before (or aggregates or combines […]